Sunrise shines from eastern horizon, like breezy air blows and wafts gently. I am awake from long sleeping, I saw them busy with their activity. Appointment has been created and would have been fulfilled today. On 8 am of GMT + 7 I have been ready for everything to go and join in that event.
I am not the one who like to ask, I am not the one like traveling much, even I do so then it is not because I like it much, I just want trying to find another ways to throw away a burden inside, all I want is solution of problem which is disturbing and roaming in me.
My parent is not parent who teach their children to ask any or everybody when getting trouble, all they said was "You should find the answer by yourself, otherwise you wont even find the solution, you can find everything by reading, books, the key is you have to read and love books, whatever it but you have to"
What is the destination of life?
Why should we work?
Why everybody want and desire to get job?
Talking about life and all about it will never end, everybody has their way and opinion about it, no one of those opinions can not be blamed, what I mean here is all those opinions have right.
Destination of life is doing everything in best and good way, Lillahita'ala, which my mother always said.
Reaching the goal of life, happily in this worlds and here after. That should not be proper to be talked again, cause everybody wants it, it is just how they describe, explain and mean of it specifically.
Reaching the destination of life should be called as working, isn't it?
And the answer of that why is back to the first point, cause everyone wants what becomes their destiny can be reached.
Still I am on learning it, and yet sure that I have understood at all.
Life is for learned, learning for everything, everything about knowledge.
"I reread this post which has not been published yet, then I asked by myself, any way when I typed this? I don't remember then just publish it"
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